Every day I will post my self resource tools for practice. Welcome!!
The alphabet
It´s sentences /A & An
The plural forms
Sentences with there are
The Numbers
The colors
The Subject Pronouns
The professions
Negative and interrogative statements
Possesive Adjetives
Days of the Week
Your Hobbies
Questions with What´s Your
Wrap Up
The Alphabeth: in english has 26 letters. You can pronunce the alphabet with IPA in this video
It´s sentences: It is + A person/ a thing / an item / a place. It´s + article + noun example: It´s an email notification. Is very important: Its and It´s are different. Its is a possesive pronoun Look at this video
The plural forms: Many thing. Exists 4 plural forms: Many comments; 3 online statuses; A few replies; some people. Very Important: Word plural uses s and es. For many nouns is “S” and for words ending in S/SH/CH/ X/Z use “ES” Words with “y”: vowels + Y use “S” for plural. Consonant + Y = replace the Y and use “ies” for the plural. Important: Irregular plural forms: 1 woman and 2 women; 1 person and 4 people; 1 child, 5 children. *Look at this video*
There are sentences: Use in plural forms there are + noun + s/es/ies: there are 3 messages; there are many comments
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